Please Help Brad, 12 months in hospital, 7 operations Now Pancreatic cancer with a massive operation called the Whipple.
National Park, Manawatu-Wanganui
Well, where do we start, I should say!
My amazing brother-in-law, loving Uncle and brother has gone thru the most challenging year mentally, physically and financially.
During the start of 2024, Brad (brother-in-law), suffered a terrible work accident which crushed his right hand, splitting his thumb completely open and damaging nerves, he underwent 3 surgeries' plus 7 months to recover due to complications.
Brad is a very busy, active hard-working guy that you will never see doing nothing.
Brad returned to work after 8 months, 2 weeks later Brad suddenly became very ill and was taken to Waikato hospital.
Brad was diagnosed with Gallstones which then was causing him to have severe jaundice.
Brad turned completely yellow apparently due to the gallstones blocking his bile duct.
He had his first surgery where they put a small plastic stent in to open the duct, within days he was
returning back for another surgery as the stent had collapsed this happened twice within 10 days.
A week later he was back at hospital to find that the 2nd stent is now blocked. More tests and scans were done, with their decision to place a bigger stent in and have a good look around etc.
Finally returning home 2 weeks later, waiting for results and a specialist appointment.
Brad got a phone call from his doctor on New Year's Eve telling him they found Cancer on his Pancreatis.
Brad will undergo an 8 - 12 hours operation called the Whipple surgery.
Brad is my brother-in-law, my children's uncle and my partners brother, we love him dearly and praying for a speedy safe recoverey.
The funds will be going towards Brads Day to day living needs, travel costs, living costs, plus everything that comes with it.
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x
Thank you x
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