Help build a pātaka kai (community pantry) for Island Bay where we can share from our kitchens and gardens with each other
Island Bay, Wellington
Our community is coming together to build a pātaka kai (community pantry) outside the Island Bay library – where we can share from our kitchens and gardens with each other. It will be a beautiful space of sharing and connection.
Thanks to generous donations from Bunnings ($250) and the Island Bay Library ($250), we have already built the box for the kai. We want to raise the remaining $589 for building materials for the roof, legs and door. We also hope to raise up to $2000 to help compensate our amazing builder, Joseph Nicholls of who is making a significant time investment to design and build the pātaka. So far it is looking gorgeous!
The pātaka is a joint project between the Island Bay Residents' Association and Wellington City Council. Once built, the Island Bay Community Centre team will help us all keep the pātaka clean.
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi. With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Initial funds will be spent on materials to complete the build of the pātaka kai, with the rest of the funds contributing to the significant time investment by our builder - Joseph of
Our target is $2500 24 January 2025
This will pay for the remaining pātaka materials and contribute towards Joseph's significant time investment.
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