Support a beloved community garden devastated by fire
Paparangi, Wellington
On the evening of September 1st, the Northern Community Garden in Jay Street suffered a serious and suspcious fire.
Years of effort by Tatjana and the NCG team have gone up in smoke with equipment, property and germinating plans all gone.
The team are absolutely devastated.
Funds raised will go to the NCG to get back on their feet and build back better.
City Councillor representing the area in which the community garden is located.
Rebuilding structures, replacing plant and equipment, sourcing new plants.
Funds will be paid to the NCG Chair Tatjana
Stretch goal 5 September 2024
Thank you again to everyone for your kind support of NCG. Given we are so close to $4k and with over a week to go I'm going to go to a stretch goal of $5k to raise.
As far as updates, Council are assisting and providing support to the NCG team. Some grants are likely to be available as well as practical support around seedlings.
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