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Lyn & Lexie

  • Moving

      23 November 2023

    Just to let you know Lyn is being flown to Dunedin today. To start rehabilitation for her stroke. She has a long road ahead with no movement on one side and still unable to speak or eat. Will keep you all updated. Thanks so much for the donations, Lexie is overwhelmed and thankful for all the support x

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  • 21/11/23

      21 November 2023

    Lyn is awake. She has had an op to release the pressure on her brain and a blood clot removed. She has lost movement on one side.

    We are waiting to see how speech is affected.

    Lyn is currently being tube fed.

    Lyn can wave to people when they say goodbye and turns her head to acknowledge people in the room.

    Lexie has been told that Lyn will be in all week at Christchurch Hospital, and depending on the damage sent to rehab for a period of time to assess the damage. Thank you to those that have donated, as you’re aware Lexie won’t be able to work being so far from home. She has called this morning to say THANKYOU to everyone.

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