Save the Begonia House

$5,390 of $100,000 goal
Given by 71 generous donors in 9 weeks

The Friends are asking for donations to help us keep the Begonia House where it should be, in the rose garden and not at the dump.


The Wellington City Council is considering demolishing a well loved, much visited Wellington icon. We are, as Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden, extremely concerned about this very final decision. The removal of the building denies the opportunity for the public at large and the many educational, cultural and societal groups to immerse themselves in the special environment offered by the enclosure.

About us

The Friends support the conservation of the garden, offer a friendly guiding service to visitors and help out in a whole range of other ways such as tending a special section of the garden.

Use of funds

All donations will be used to reverse the WCC decision to demolish the Begonia House. This will require media and social media exposure, advertising, signage, petitions, demonstrations and possibly defending our position in the court of law.

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Latest donations

Ian 6 hours ago
Lorinda 1 day ago
Continue the good fight to save the Begonia House
Janeen 1 day ago
To demolish this taonga would equal the book burnings of earlier times. The Begonia House is like a warm embrace that nurtures all our senses regardless of our abilities, age or race. It is a dip in the warm sea on a beautiful summer's day. It is open to all!
D1 1 day ago
Fiona 3 days ago

Who's involved?

Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 16 Dec 2024 and ends on 16 Jun 2025.