Supporting the Gwilliam Whanau in this time of grief.
As most will know, our dear Josh passed on Monday 29 July in tragic circumstances (a single-vehicle car accident).
Our hearts are broken and our love, prayers and condolences go to Josh’s family and to all who knew and loved him.
So many people have been deeply impacted by Josh and his family, and we know there will be incredible grief as we all face the loss of his presence here on earth.
Ellie and the girls are grieving, yet trusting in God for comfort. They are being supported by their family, friends and community - thank you to all.
As their community, we are responding here to a practical need, with finances, in this hard time.
We know many are wanting to share their love in a practical way, and many are asking where they can be of help. Financial support is always appreciated in such difficult and sudden circumstances as this, so if you feel to bless the Gwilliam whānau, it will be humbly and gratefully received.
This page will see all funds released to Ellie and the girls within the month.
Trent and Jade are long time, close family friends to Josh and Ellie.
Funeral, life expenses/savings, where insurance falls short.
The hugest thank you 22 August 2024
Incredible people,
From the bottom of our hearts - thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. We are absolutely blown away. Your support is hugely encouraging as we navigate an unthinkable path... every kindness, every message, every gift, every prayer, every shared connection with Josh - it all means more to us that we can possibly describe.
Put simply - thank you, thank you, thank you. And God bless.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Aroha nui,
Ellie, Johanna, Lottie and Abigail xx
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