Please help this very deserving family by donating towards the cost of Will's cancer treatments and travel expenses.
Will Hamilton is one of the best humans you will ever meet. He is always doing things for others, even when he has a lot going on himself, and he is the last person to ask for help for himself.
Will works as a Police Sergeant, and he has dedicated his life to serving the public. A few years ago he was involved in a terrifying and traumatic situation whereby he narrowly escaped the loss of his own life. For his brave actions he received a Commissioner's Commendation for showing professionalism and courage when confronted by an armed offender.
Will was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (blood cancer) after a routine check up revealed abnormal blood results He is undergoing chemotherapy treatment, which includes an oral medication called Lenalidomide. This medication is not funded by the government at this stage of Will's treatment and the cost is approximately $1,000.00 per month.
Will is making frequent trips to Thames to see specialists there and receive treatment. This also necessitates him taking time off work in order to make this happen.
Will has an amazing partner Amber and they have a gorgeous son Jack. Amber and Jack mean the absolute world to Will and he wants to spend as much time as possible with his lovely family.
It is time for us all to extend the same kindness to Will and Amber that they so readily extend to others. Please give generously if you are able. Every bit truly helps.
Will is a dear friend who I feel privileged to know.
Cancer treatments, travel expenses, other bills as needed.
Another month. Amazing people and another blood test 16 February 2025
Thank so very much to old and new donors who continue to give us hope every day, working towards our goal to have me around for as many years as possible.
Most of you know by now I do monthly bloods to monitor the cancer levels and response, or in my case lack of with the relapse. Things are not great but they are also not terrible. I’ve increased in Paraprotien level from 1.8 g/L to 2.3 g/L of blood. To put in context I was 65g/L l. In a pretty bad way.
Intervention will happen soon but the science and chemistry of when that will occur is far too complicated to explain here. With steady increases we are more and more nervous every day. Keeping our composure for Jack and Harry is a constant challenge.
Just a little update and thank you all once again for your generosity.
A shout out to my good friend Bryan Black and his generosity, making my dreams come true teaching me to fly his helicopter on a regular basis. Those who know me know my love for aviation. Check out my selfie in his Jet Ranger. Thanks Bryan :)
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