Support Nat and Sam with their 24 week NICU baby
Birkdale, Auckland
After two devastating miscarriages, we were excited to be pregnant again with our baby boy due in December.
We had a rough pregnancy — salmonella, kidney stones, and cervical cerclage all made a visit — and then on 22 August, our baby boy decided he couldn’t wait any longer and was born at 24 weeks 5 days. He’ll be in Starship NICU until at least December.
He’s been a little fighter already, and we’re crossing fingers he keeps fighting and pulls through.
Unfortunately this meant Nat had to stop work immediately, 4 months earlier than planned, and we’ve had a bunch of extra expenses. If you can spare a little to help us adjust, we’d appreciate it a lot.
If you can’t spare any money right now, we also have a Support Crew app where local Auckland folks can help us with chores and kai.
Sudden expenses for our prem baby, including helping us with transport and life costs, any extra will go towards his ongoing medical support as he grows.
Week 3 in NICU 10 September 2024
Hard to believe we’re in our third week now. Last week Kitt got the all clear on his heart scan for PDA, a common prem baby condition where a hole in the heart doesn’t close fully.
Yesterday, after a couple of days of steroids, we started a trial off the ventilator on NIPPV. The first 24 hours went well, and if it continues to go well, we’ll try him on CPAP.
He’s had to receive a few blood transfusions which is scary, but overall he’s doing ok and has increased from 800g to 920g.
We discovered that at birth, he was the same size and weight as a kororā (little blue penguin), so now Nat is hunting for cute penguin knitting patterns!
Thank you to everyone for your support so far, we appreciate it so much. We’d also love if you shared this with your networks <3
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