Supporting Reece & Gabbie for their fight ahead

$20,350 of $20,000 goal
Given by 162 generous donors in 11 weeks

Please support Reece as he undergoes chemo for stage 4 incurable cancer :(

Dunedin, Otago

Today Gabbie, Reece & their boys received devastating news no family wants to hear. Reece has found out he has stage 4 liver cancer and needs to begin chemotherapy immediately to try shrink the tumours and endeavour to prolong his time with his loved ones.

Anyone that knows Gabbie and Reece will be able to attest to them being amazing, kind and caring humans. Reece is a legend who loves a good time and is the most incredible Dad & role model to Harry & Moz.

Gabbie is always the first to show up when times are rough, and she's the one continually checking in long after others have stopped.

Let's help by relieving them of a bit of financial pressure to ensure they have more time to spend with each other and not have to worry about day to day expenses when time together will be so precious.

Funds will be used to help with everyday bills and living expenses while Reece is not working and Gabbie taking some time off to support him. These funds will be used to support them even if the 20k target is not reached.

Jessie Turner's involvement (page creator)

I'm a friend of Gabbie's who wants to help lighten the load for this amazing team. Gabbie is an amazing human who was a strong pillar of support for me in the aftermath of my partners passing.

Use of funds

To take the financial pressure off so Gabbie, Reece and the boys can spend family time to make special memories together. Everyday bills and living expenses while Reece is not working and Gabbie taking some time off to support him, even if the 20k target is not reached.

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Latest update

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Were to from here..  4 February 2025

Posted by: Gabbie Dickinson

The plan ahead is:

His biopsies from the sample they took from his liver back in Dec will be sent to America this week. Hopefully, this will show the mutation of the cancer and where it originated. If they can find this mutation, then the treatment plan can potentially change. This will take around 6 weeks to get back.

On the 11th of Feb, Reece will have another CT scan, which will see what is going on and if the chemo has actually made a difference. Which I'm sure it has.

He will still continue to have his chemo every 12 days.

His oncologist is so happy with his progress (and probably sick of my 101 questions) that she is happy to meet with us monthly rather than fortnightly. Also, because his blood work has been so great, he is now down to fortnightly tests rather than weekly. These small wins, although they seem like nothing, are huge. One less appointment, one less trip to the hospital, and one less needle is all positive.

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Latest donations

Gael 5 hours ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 7 days ago
Bronwyn on 09 Feb 2025
"Wright Cup" Charity Golf Day
"Wright Cup" Charity Golf Day on 07 Feb 2025
Donation from the "Wright Cup" charity fundraiser golf day. Everyone is behind you and your family on this Journey Reece
Cindy on 05 Feb 2025

Who's involved?

Jessie Turner's avatar
Created by Jessie Turner
Gabbie Dickinson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Gabbie Dickinson
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This campaign started on 28 Nov 2024 and ends on 28 Feb 2025.