Help Save Kiwi and follow Maia's 2 million

$330 of $20,000 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in around 12 months

Follow Maia's 2 million step journey and help the Taranaki Kiwi Trust take "kiwi from rare to everywhere"


Follow the Taranaki Kiwi Trust's new apprentice Kiwi Habitat Protection Ranger, Māia Gibbs, as she aims to walk 2 million steps while checking traps over the next year. This is Māia's first conservation job and she is up for the challenge for getting fit while she works. Follow Maia's progress and her awesome work stories that will be posted on the Trust's website regularly.

The Taranaki Kiwi Trust works to protect kiwi on both private and public conservation land through predator control and is involved in kiwi monitoring and research across the region. TKT want to take kiwi from rare to everywhere and they need your help. This October marks the Trust's 20th anniversary and we have a goal to raise at least $20k by the end of the year.

About us

The Taranaki Kiwi Trust is a charitable trust working throughout Taranaki to protect Western Brown Kiwi. Our motto is "Kiwi from rare to Everywhere"

Use of funds

Money will be spent on developing new kiwi release sites primarily through increased predator control

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Latest donations

Jason and Huia Gibbs
Jason and Huia Gibbs on 03 Sep 2022
How have we not already donated??!! Oh well :) Keep walking girl. Arohanui
Sarah on 01 Sep 2022
Awesome work, Maia!
Nicola on 11 Apr 2022
Taranaki Kiwi Trust

Ngā mihi nui Nicola we appreciate your support.

Taranaki Kiwi Trust
LeAnne on 22 Jan 2022
Terr ♡
Terr ♡ on 10 Nov 2021
Love your mahi Merr! ♡
Taranaki Kiwi Trust

Nga mihi nui e hoa!!

Taranaki Kiwi Trust

Who's involved?

Taranaki Kiwi Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Taranaki Kiwi Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 18 Oct 2021 and ended on 13 Oct 2022.