Your Kiwi Muslim Directory needs help!

$3,895 of $16,000 goal
Given by 53 generous donors in 21 days

Every contribution helps keep the Kiwi Muslim Directory, a valuable resource going for future generations. Please donate today!


Since 2009, the Kiwi Muslim Directory (KMD) has been an essential resource for Muslims in New Zealand, connecting people from 42+ ethnicities with vital information on halal businesses, prayer spaces, Islamic centres, social services & more. It is a trusted platform widely used by the Muslim community across the nation!

Our mission is to strengthen the Muslim community by promoting interaction and supporting local businesses, contributing to the growth of our community & NZ’s economy. The directory provides easy access to crucial information in both print and online.

However, this year, we’re facing financial challenges due to a decline in ad revenue. We need the community's support to continue printing and distributing 6,500 copies to masjids & Islamic centres nationwide.

For the past 15 years, we’ve provided this service for free, powered by our own time, energy, and resources. Our small volunteer team works tirelessly to update the database, design the directory, and secure ads. While we’re grateful for our loyal advertisers, we haven’t received any financial support from other Muslim organisations or sustainable funding.

Now, we need your help. Your donation will ensure that the KMD remains available to the 50,000+ Muslims in NZ who rely on it. Every contribution helps keep this valuable resource going for future generations. Please donate today!

All contributors get mentioned in the 16th Edition.

This project isn't Zakat-eligible.

Use of funds

The funds will be primarily used for partial printing costs for the 16th edition of the KMD, redesigning our website, and contributing to our mobile app development. If we don't hit the target amount, our focus will be on the printing costs.

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Latest donations

Mirza Mohsin
Mirza Mohsin 18 hours ago
Jazakallah for all your hard work, May allah reward you .
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 1 day ago
May Allah make it easy for Kiwi Muslim Directory to continue the good work... aameen.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 1 day ago
Niqhat 4 days ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 4 days ago

Who's involved?

Kiwi Muslim Directory's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kiwi Muslim Directory (Business)
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This campaign started on 24 Sep 2024 and ends on 1 Nov 2024.