Verification screen - Address

(This article explains explains how to fill out a specific section on the Verification screen. General instructions on accessing and using the screen are available here. For information on who we need to verify, and why, check out this article.)

The Address screen is where you can provide details on your physical address, to assist with verifying your identity.

What does “your physical address” mean?

  • It’s your personal address. Where you sleep at night. If you represent a charity, school or other organisation, it can’t be their address.
  • It’s a physical address. No PO Boxes or Private Bags.

If you have a New Zealand address, you can opt to be verified electronically. This is the quickest and easiest way.

As you start typing in the first box, the website will start suggesting NZ addresses that you can pick from. If yours comes up and you pick it then the rest of the boxes will be filled in for you. Easy as.

If yours isn’t there then just ignore the suggestions and keep filling the fields out, as you see fit.

If Electronic Verification is not possible, or it fails because your name is not in any of the databases that are checked, then you can elect to upload a copy of an address document for Manual Verification. This can be done by clicking “Add a Document” at the bottom of the screen and choosing a file on your computer.

Unlike Identity documents, Address documents don’t have to be certified, however, they do need to be less than three months old.

You can submit any of the following:

  • Power, water, or phone bill
  • A bank statement
  • Government or Government department document (e.g. IRD tax notice or certificate)
  • Local council notification/demand (e.g. rates bill)
  • Letter from an NZ Educational Institution

Uploaded files can be renamed by clicking the pencil icon, viewed by clicking the eye icon, or deleted by clicking the rubbish-bin icon.