Givealittle Limited

Backyard Bar Charity Auction

$0 raised

Backyard Bar Charity Auction


Friday May 2nd, Auction starts at 8pm. $20 cover charge with all proceeds going to our fundraiser. 31 Northcote Road, Northshore. All proceeds of the auction plus $0.50 of every drink will go to Amanda.

For the past two and a half years THE BACKYARD’s friend Amanda has been in a battle with that horrible disease we all know, cancer. THE BACKYARD crew are helping with a charity auction. We have loads of fantastic product up for grabs, and all money raised going to Amanda. Bring your friends and family, and of course deep pockets!

Donations go towards:
Buy Amanda Time's avatar
Buy Amanda Time
I have inoperable Osteosarcoma Cancer in my spine. In a bid to buy more time I am taking part in a phase II drug trial in Christchurch. Y

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This campaign started on 2 May 2014 and ended on 2 May 2014.
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