Givealittle Limited

Dance The Night Away with CanTeen

$0 raised

Dance The Night Away with CanTeen


Happening on November 21st - 22nd, in Matamata, Dance The Night Away with CanTeen is set to be a 24 hour Dance-a-thon/Relay for Life type event that is sure to get your dance grove on, as we come together to dance the night away in the name of CanTeen Waikato.

Kia Ora!

Thanks for dropping by and choosing to support our local members of CanTeen Waikato through our fundraising page!

Donations go towards:
CanTeen Waikato CLOSED's avatar
CanTeen Waikato CLOSED
Through our programmes, our Waikato members learn to re-establish their own identity, self confidence and how to deal with the pain and str

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This campaign started on 21 Nov 2014 and ended on 22 Nov 2014.
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