Givealittle Limited

Palate Fundraising Lunch for Les Dudley

$0 raised

Palate Fundraising Lunch for Les Dudley


We’ve put together a delicious five-course menu matched with superb wines at the restaurant where all food, wine and our time is being donated. Please join us for this special event to help our friend Les.

To book phone Henni Dudley (021) 843 083. Note bookings close Friday 11 July and tickets are limited so please confirm to Henni as soon as possible.

Give a Little – Fundraising lunch for Les Dudley

Date: Sunday 13 July

Time: 1 to 4 pm

Cost: $120 per head

80 seats available

Donations go towards:
NOT GIVING UP's avatar
Les is a dedicated father and amazing husband who is bravely fighting a battle with cancer. He was diagnosed with acute promyeloid leukaemi


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This campaign started on 13 Jul 2014 and ended on 13 Jul 2014.
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