Givealittle Limited

Tailah fundraising dinner @ Fairweathers

$0 raised

Tailah fundraising dinner @ Fairweathers


4 course meal at Fairweathers, Scott st, Blenheim. Auctions, spot prizes and guest speaker as well as Tailah will be presenting. All proceeds fundraised will go towards Tailah tour to America and training programme.

Thank you so much for supporting Tailah and his endeavor to achieve his dreams. All donations and money recievded from this fundraising event will go towards Tailah.

Donations go towards:
Tailah Love, achieving my dreams's avatar
Tailah Love, achieving my dreams
I am fundraising to help me to get to America to train and play in a baseball tournament with the New Zealand 18u baseball team. My short t


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This campaign started on 17 Jul 2013 and ended on 17 Jul 2013.
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