Givealittle Limited

2013 Chopper Appeal Britomart Spinathon Challenge

$955 raised

2013 Chopper Appeal Britomart Spinathon Challenge


On Friday 24th May, 2013 the Britomart Atrium will be turned into a battleground of spin with the innugural Britomart Spinathon being held with Westpac taking on Ernst & Young and Southern Cross for Britomart supremacy!

Each business will have a spin bike to continuously cycle on from 8.30pm - 4.30pm. The challenge is to ride as far as possible over the 8 hours at the same time as raising as much money possible for this years Chopper Appeal.

Participant leaderboard

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 May 2013    Westpac Britomart Spinathon Team
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 May 2013    Westpac Britomart Spinathon Team
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 May 2013    Westpac Britomart Spinathon Team
David Marsh
David Marsh on 24 May 2013    Westpac Britomart Spinathon Team
Go Go Go!
Una Catley
Una Catley on 24 May 2013    Westpac Britomart Spinathon Team
Go for it team
Donations go towards:
Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust's avatar
Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
New Zealand's only 24 hour, fully manned emergency rescue helicopter service


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This campaign started on 24 May 2013 and ended on 24 May 2013.
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