Givealittle Limited

Charity Car Wash

$0 raised

Charity Car Wash


We are holding a car wash this weekend to raise money for both Roberta & Dennis' wedding fund, and The Cancer Society.

See the Beneficiary's page for more information about Roberta & Dennis' cause.

We will be holding the car wash between 10am and 4pm Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th August at Z Riccarton, Riccarton Road, Christchurch.

We will have a grocery hamper to raffle off also. Tickets for this raffle can be purchased on site whilst the car wash is operational, and will cost $2 per ticket, or 3 for $5.

Donations go towards:
Roberta & Dennis' Wedding Fund's avatar
Roberta & Dennis' Wedding Fund
Roberta & Dennis were engaged and all set to begin their life together, with their wedding 'some time in the future'. That has all recently


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This campaign started on 9 Aug 2014 and ended on 10 Aug 2014.
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