Givealittle Limited

Auckland Marathon 2011: Computer Clubhouse fundraiser

$0 raised

Auckland Marathon 2011: Computer Clubhouse fundraiser


The Auckland Marathon is on 30 October 2011. Why not contribute to a good cause as part of the big day? The Computer Clubhouse operates 6 facilities around New Zealand, providing a creative, safe community-based learning environment where young people work with adult mentors to develop skills and build confidence through the use of technology.

Having in a fleet of madness decided to run the Auckland Marathon (42 glorious kilometres), it seems only right to take the chance to raise some much-needed funds for the excellent Computer Clubhouse ( which helps kids in underserved communities with mentoring for self-confidence and technology for future employment.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Oct 2011    Rohan's Marathon Fundraiser 4 Computer Clubhouse
Go Rohan, Go the Clubhouse!
Gary Tennant
Gary Tennant on 26 Oct 2011    Rohan's Marathon Fundraiser 4 Computer Clubhouse
Got to be worth a buck a K, but no taxis..... Ha.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2011    Rohan's Marathon Fundraiser 4 Computer Clubhouse
I don't normally support physical exercise. But this is a good cause. Good stuff Rohan.
Donations go towards:
High Tech Youth Network's avatar
High Tech Youth Network
The HTYN is an inter-connected network of studios and communities in NZ that provide free digital education programmes to under-served youth


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This campaign started on 21 Oct 2011 and ended on 4 Nov 2011.
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