The Hawkes Bay Hundy is a 100km Team Relay that supports Mental Health in the Emergency Services and raises funds for STAROS.
Hawke's Bay
Teams of 4-14 people will be running or walking the Hawkes Bay Hundy which is a 100km Team Relay that supports Mental Health in the Emergency Services and raises funds for STAROS.
STAROS is a Hawkes Bay trust that provides information and supports those bereaved by suicide.
Being the recipient charity for the Hawkes Bay Hundy has given STAROS an injection of funds that allowed them to give back to the community through several different ways including:
• Tricia Hendry grief and self-care workshops and registration sponsorships
• Men’s Medicine (Amend) walk sponsorship
• Richmond House electronic piano and sensory chair sponsorship
• Counselling sessions
• Barry Taylor workshop designed specifically for people affected by suicide
• x5 Rob Mokaraka Shot Bro – Confessions of a Depressed Bullet show
• Grassroots speaker day
Hi Bill, apologies for the delay in replying, we had an issue viewing our donations. Thank you for your donation and for supporting us, it's because of the support we get from our community that allows us to continue to support those affected by suicide. Ngā mihi nui Warren and the team
Hi Dave and Jeneen, apologies for the delay in replying, we had an issue viewing our donations. Thank you for your donation and for supporting us, it's because of the support we get from our community that allows us to continue to support those affected by suicide. Ngā mihi nui Warren
Hi Nichola, apologies for the delay in replying, we had an issue viewing our donations. Thank you for your donation and for supporting us, it's because of the support we get from our community that allows us to continue to support those affected by suicide. Ngā mihi nui Warren
Hi Jennifer, apologies for the delay in replying, we had an issue viewing our donations. Thank you for your donation and for supporting us, it's because of the support we get from our community that allows us to continue to support those affected by suicide. Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to your team. Ngā mihi nui Warren
Hi, apologies for the delay in replying, we had an issue viewing our donations. Thank you for your donation and for supporting us, it's because of the support we get from our community that allows us to continue to support those affected by suicide. Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to your team. Ngā mihi nui Warren