Promotion of Mental Wellbeing through training of meditation instructors program for teachers, wellness officers, health professionals, etc.
Mental health is now a major crisis affecting across the society. Despite all efforts in the form Government funding, counselling, psychiatry, medications etc, the crisis is still escalating. We all agree that prevention is better than cure. It is always better to empower people to manage their challenges in life. The challenge is how to empower people and communities to develop resilience needed.
We are Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre have taken up a project to deliver a training of Trainers program to teach meditation-based mind management tools to teachers, parents, wellness officers in corporates and communities etc so that they are empowered to better serve the students, patients, staff, community members under their care. Our universal and non-religious wellness programs are co-designed and adaptable to embrace the culture, ethos and values of the beneficiaries.
The training will be through online courses, podcasts etc and supported by intensive retreats and workshops at our Vedanta Wellness Centre being developed in Glen Murray, Waikato.
This project will benefit people across New Zealand and also communities. We need you support towards the establishment of the training facilities and delivery of the programs of this urgently needed worthy cause.
Sa Vinaka