Givealittle Limited

National Whale Day 2011 and the launch of Positive Change for Marine Life

$0 raised

National Whale Day 2011 and the launch of Positive Change for Marine Life


This will be the second year of The National Whale Day Festival in Byron Bay and will follow on from last years enormous event!

Amazing live artists, guest speakers and presentations, local market and food stalls, a huge bonfire, movie screenings, fire twirling and heaps more!

National Whale Day 2011 is going to be HUGE do not miss out!!

Tickets will be $20 each and available via

All monies raised will support 'Positive Change for Marine Life', 'Whales Alive', and 'Dolphin Ecology and Acoustics Project', all of which are local conservation and research organisations whose projects work to support and conserve cetaceans and other marine life both on Australian shores and abroad.

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This campaign started on 5 Jun 2011 and ended on 6 Jun 2011.
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