Givealittle Limited

Help Brooklyn get to Iowa University for the CmPS International Conference

$0 raised

Help Brooklyn get to Iowa University for the CmPS International Conference


I am raising money to get myself and my coach to the Iowa University in USA, where I am representing NewZealand at the International Future Problem Solving Conference. I am competing against students from all around the world. My project has been to inspire the Ruawai community to see the potential in "Polishing a rough diamond" the Ruawai wharf.

Future Problem Solving NZ endorses Brooklyns efforts to fundraise for her trip. Brooklyn is and inspiring young girl who has worked extremely hard with her community. We are very proud to have her represent NZ at the International Conference being held at the university of Iowa from June 12-15 2014.

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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2014 and ended on 12 Jun 2014.
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