Trees For Our Future - Funding The National Arboretum of NZ, Eastwoodhill & Global Tree Conservation
Can you support us to support Trees of our Future?
We want you to be the first to know about our new awareness and fundraising campaign, Trees for our Future.
Amplifying our organisation for conservation collaboration, fulfilling our 100-year master plan, and ensuring the Arboretum is well placed for the next 100 years, has been a strategic goal for the Eastwoodhill Trust Board over the last 12 months.
This campaign and our launch event will showcase our ambitions for the next five years. Supporting us at the event will be a number of international guests talking about all things "trees" and how ex-situ collections like ours can have a meaningful impact on global tree conservation.
Trees for our Future is a bold campaign that sets out our financial requirements to be a global force and we need you to be a part of that.
Visit our website,
Many thanks from the Board and staff.
Eastwoodhill Arboretum
Dear Paul and Kerry, Thank you so much for your wonderful gift and support. It is hugely appreciated. From all the team at Eastwoodhill, thank you once again.