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Concerned about a page or our service? Tell us about it below.

Important Note

We provide a neutral platform for crowdfunding and we acknowledge there may be differing views about a page and the worthiness of the cause for donation.

In instances like this we leave it up to the donors to decide whether they wish to support and donate. If people think the page is worthy they'll donate; if they don't, they won't.

Typically we will not remove a page from display unless we can satisfy one of the following conditions:

  • The fundraising is for illegal purposes
  • A breach of privacy
  • The page owner does not have permission from the beneficiary to fundraise
  • Proof of misrepresentation of need or suspected fraud

Please be aware, if your report is about the worthiness of the page, you may not receive a reply from Givealittle. However should you feel your concerns about this fundraising relate to one of the above conditions, please feel free to report the page using the form below and include as much information as possible.

Important Note

Typically we will not remove a page from display unless we can satisfy one of the following conditions:

  • The fundraising is for illegal purposes
  • Breach of privacy
  • The page owner does not have permission from the beneficiary to fundraise
  • Proof of misrepresentation of need or suspected fraud.

If you feel your concerns about this fundraising relate to one of the above conditions, please feel free to report the page using the form below.

If you report does not fall within these categories, you can still send us a message, but we may not be in a position to change or remove the page.