Givealittle Limited

SAFE Shakti Art Fundraising Exhibition

$0 raised

SAFE Shakti Art Fundraising Exhibition


30 talented artists have donated pieces to raise funds for Shakti.

The work will be exhibited at Nineteen Tory Street from the 21st October, with a closing night party on the 24th October at 6pm.

Shakti is a national not-for-profit community organisation specialised in the area of women’s development, empowerment and domestic/family violence intervention, prevention and awareness.

Come and buy some amazing art and give to an incredible cause. Over 30 artists, from all walks of life have donated beautiful work to this cause.

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Donations go towards:
Ethnic Family Services's avatar
Ethnic Family Services
Step by step, we work towards empowering all ethnic youth in New Zealand to live lives with dignity, free from violence and fear, assist in

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This campaign started on 21 Oct 2014 and ended on 24 Oct 2014.
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