19 Canterbury businesses taking on the "Summer Crew Challenge" to raise money for life-saving Air Rescue missions.
This summer, 19 Canterbury businesses have taken the challenge to see if they can fill the shoes of the Air Rescue Crew AND raise money to support the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
The challenge is based on 50% fundraising and 50% crew challenge.
In the challenge (designed by the Air Rescue Crew themselves) each team will compete head to head with each other and test themselves in teamwork, fitness, problem solving and survival skills.
Each team will also raise money to support the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
Click on the Fundraisers Tab (not the HELP FUNDRAISE button) to select the business you want to support – MAKE A DONATION to help them fundraise. You will help them win the challenge and your donation will make a life-saving difference in our community!
The Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust provides air rescue services to the largest single geographical area in New Zealand – watching over the lives of over 600,000 people.
In a life and death situation where every minute counts, air rescue may be a patient’s only chance for survival.
Getting specialist care to the patient within one hour of the onset of illness or injury increases the chance of the patient making a full recovery by up to 80% - this is referred to as the ‘golden hour’.
The Air Rescue crews are on duty 24/7 and this year will respond to over 900 missions across our region (that’s an average of 3 missions each day)!
Air Rescue is only 50% funded by our government so the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust must raise $7 million from the community every year to continue to provide a professional air rescue and air ambulance service. We rely on businesses and individuals to support this air rescue service. We need you as much as you need us!
On behalf of the Air Rescue Crew and most importantly the patients we are called upon to rescue.
Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust is the fundraising organisation that enables 24 hour rescue helicopter services in the Canterbury and West Coast regions. We rely on community donations to ensure that this life-saving service continues.