Blue Dragon Children's Trust (New Zealand)

Make a dish to make a difference and give children in crisis a seat at the table

$640 raised
Starts: 1 Oct 2020
Ends: 31 Oct 2020

In October we’re inviting you to raise funds to provide healing meals for children rescued from slavery and homelessness in Vietnam.


Blue Dragon helps street children, and those who have been trafficked into factories, sold to brothels or forced marriages. They help them back to health and provide them with everything they need to recover, to thrive and to build a better future.

The Covid-19 lock down has reduced Blue Dragon’s fundraising income, and also caused even more children to be trafficked or make their way to the city where they sleep rough.

Money you help us to raise goes a long way in Vietnam. Here are some examples:

Nutritious, tasty lunches for one street child for a whole month: NZ$42

One week of full care in Blue Dragon’s shelter in Hanoi, for a survivor of human trafficking, including food, medicine and one set of clothing: NZ$78

Monthly school fees, a uniform and books for one child, and resources for impoverished schools: NZ$85

Course fee, textbook, stationery and basic living allowance for a student at university for a month: NZ$130

Get together for some Kai with a difference in September. We’re inviting you to use your culinary skills to raise funds to provide healing meals for children rescued from slavery and homelessness in Vietnam.

At home – invite a group of friends / family – everyone brings a dish - we suggest a Vietnamese theme. And everyone donates what they would have spent eating out, to give Blue Dragon children nutritious meals to grow healthy and strong.

At work social – everyone contributes a dish or yummy baked treat and donates what they would have spent on lunch to Blue Dragon.

Try out one of the recipes prepared by Blue Dragon staff and kids or simply prepare your favourite dish.

How does it work?

To get started, sign up here:

We’ll send you an information pack with all the information you need, including how to set up a fundraising page on Givealittle so your guests can donate, menu ideas to share with your guests, cooking videos of tasty Vietnamese meals, stories and images to share on social media.

Once you are all set, decide on the occasion, invite people/ organise a work function then share the recipes, enjoy it in good company to change lives!

If you need more inspiration:

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This campaign started on 19 Jul 2020 and ended on 30 Sep 2020.
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