Givealittle Limited

Cityfitness Open Day and Charity Challenge

$0 raised

Cityfitness Open Day and Charity Challenge


The cityfitness Open Day and Charity Challenge is a fun day for the whole family. Cityfitness will open its doors to the New Plymouth community for the day in a bid to raise money for Taranaki Land Search and Rescue

We're hoping that that the teams of people getting involved in the Charity Challenge and also those taking part in our ride event will make the effort to fundraise as much as possible in the lead up to the big event

Participant leaderboard

Donations go towards:
Taranaki LandSAR's avatar
Taranaki LandSAR
Our members are volunteers who assist the NZ Police to conduct search and rescue operations in Taranaki, anywhere, anytime and any weather


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This campaign started on 30 Aug 2013 and ended on 30 Aug 2013.
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