Givealittle Limited

Heart Stopper Challenge

$0 raised

Heart Stopper Challenge


Every year, 450 open heart surgeries are performed on children in NZ, some of them in their first days of life. During the surgery a child’s chest cavity can be filled with an icy slush to slow the heart rate and metabolism, giving the surgeon a longer window of operating time. This is the inspiration for Heart Stopper Challenge.

Your generosity will help @heart to continue providing the practical, emotional and psycho-social support needed by heart children and their families in New Zealand

Donations go towards:
Heart Kids NZ's avatar
Heart Kids NZ
This week 12 kiwi families will be told their child has a heart condition. Donate now to help Heart Kids NZ support these families.


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This campaign started on 11 May 2014 and ended on 25 May 2014.
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