A NPBHS 'Something for Nothing' challenge (S4N 2021) to raise funds for DEBRA NZ - for people affected by Butterfly skin condition.
A NPBHS 'Something for Nothing' challenge (S4N 2021) is being organised by two Huia classes (Barak 11 and Syme 14). The competition is to see which staff member/student leader can raise the most money for DEBRA NZ. The member who raises the most money will have their hair shaved during Monday's online assembly in late November. So get in behind the competition for a GREAT CAUSE.
Vote by clicking on the participant you would like to see have their head shaved. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated!
Fundraise money for people affected by Butterfly skin condition. Money will go towards to the DEBRA NZ Butterfly skin condition.
Butterfly skin condition: is a rare genetic condition that makes skin so fragile that it can tear or blister at the slightest touch. Children born with it are often called “Butterfly Children” because their skin seems as fragile as a butterfly wing. More than 150 New Zealanders have this genetic disorder. While most have mild to moderate symptoms, many require specialist and ongoing clinical care to varying degrees. Currently 11 New Zealanders live with severe EB, which has an incidence of 1 in 300,000. The extremely rare disease can cause the skin to break into blisters at the slightest touch. Skin can also peel away.
Those who suffer from it are called butterfly children.
"EB is so rare that most doctors or nurses would have no experience with the condition or how to look after a baby with skin so fragile it can't even be picked up without causing blisters and wounds," he said.
"It is crucial to have expert advice on the best care and treatment for EB."