Givealittle Limited

Row for Rueben

$0 raised

Row for Rueben


sat 28 June 11am, Activ8 Northland, 16 Porowini Ave, Whangarei

100km relay row on indoor machines, Team Matt versus Team Shayne, 6-7 hours of hard out rowing to raise money for Rueben, a lovely local lad with cerebral palsy

The amazing personal trainers at Activ8 Northland have teamed up to raise money for Rueben. Its a battle of the ages with Team Shayne in 20-30s versus Team Matt in the 30+ rowing 100km against each other

Donations go towards:
Row for Rueben's avatar
Row for Rueben
Rueben is a fantastic 7 year old with cerebral palsy, he loves people and Maths and would like to be an inventor. He has limbs that don't


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This campaign started on 28 Jun 2014 and ended on 28 Jun 2014.
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