Rueben is a fantastic 7 year old with cerebral palsy, he loves people and Maths and would like to be an inventor. He has limbs that don't
Life's proud moments come from us achieving our goals. My goal is to row the Cook Strait, Rueben's goal is to get independently from house to car in time for school without falling over. His goal is harder. We can all change this. Lets all givealittle so Rueben can achieve his goals
Cook Strait double crossing done! 26 August 2014
Woohoo, so its finally done. I managed a double crossing of Cook strait today in a single rowing scull (started at Makara on NI and to Perano Heads SI and back), 7 hours 25 mins. Work has also started on ramps etc for Rueben so its been a great week ... thank you everyone for your support x