Givealittle Limited

Shave Your Lid for Kelleigh

$0 raised

Shave Your Lid for Kelleigh


On Tuesday 25th March Kelleigh is having her hair shaved off. Her friends Em and Meredith are going to shave their lids in support of Kelleigh so this is a BIG EVENT for these girls and is worth your support. Please see Kelleighs facebook page for more details on the event and how you can join in!

Please give generously to this awesome fundraiser for Kelleigh Burkett. This is the first of many fundraisers we will arrange over then next few months so please come along and show your support for Kelleigh and her amazing friends.

Donations go towards:
Get Kelleigh There's avatar
Get Kelleigh There
Kelleigh Burkett is a gorgeous young Mum with Metastatic Breast Cancer and she needs your help to access treatment overseas.


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This campaign started on 25 Mar 2014 and ended on 25 Mar 2014.
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