Givealittle Limited

Great Carterton Wheelbarrow Race

$0 raised

Great Carterton Wheelbarrow Race


The Carterton Pub-to-Pub 13 km endurance race is competed in with Mens, Women's and Mixed teams racing.

Teams consist of a runner and a rider, who can change positions at points around the course.

No modifications to wheelbarrows are tolerated.

The race starts front of the Gladstone Inn and the finishes at the RSA club in Carterton.

The event has its roots back in 1936, when locals raced steel-wheeled barrows 6km along metal roads from the Waiohine Bridge to Carterton's clock tower. The event was revived 65 years later.

The endurance race is part of a larger community event with short course races in town involving children, sporting clubs and community groups.

Donations will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Arthritis New Zealand  (Mateponapona Aotearoa)'s avatar
Arthritis New Zealand (Mateponapona Aotearoa)
We support the interests of over 620,000 who live with a diagnosis of and the daily pain of arthritis.
Royal New Zealand RSA's avatar
Royal New Zealand RSA
The RSA's mission is to improve the wellbeing of New Zealand's veterans of military service and their whānau.


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This campaign started on 3 Mar 2012 and ended on 3 Mar 2012.
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