Givealittle Limited

Wheeling Our Way - Biking through Europe to raise money for Maungatautari Ecological Island

$0 raised

Wheeling Our Way - Biking through Europe to raise money for Maungatautari Ecological Island


Sarah and Andy are off on big cycling adventure from Paris to Athens. Over 3000kms of cycling ahead!

We have several goals (in no particular order…)

- Have one hell of a good time!

- Raise awareness of cycling as an environmentally-friendly way to travel

- Fundraise for an environmental project we’re passionate about back home in New Zealand; the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust

Maungatautari Ecological Island is a 3400 Hectare pest-free sanctuary in the heart of Waikato, New Zealand. The native trees and houses provide an environment for amazing bird life including re-introduced endangered natives.

Donations go towards:
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust CLOSED's avatar
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust CLOSED
Our mission is to remove forever, introduced mammalian pests and predators from Maungatautari and restore to the forest a healthy diversity


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This campaign started on 19 Apr 2012 and ended on 19 Aug 2012.
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