Youthline Wellington

Youthline Wellington - Round the Bays 2022

$5,000 goal
Starts: 7 Dec 2021
Ends: 27 Feb 2022

Run Round the Bays to support Youthline Wellington!


Youthline Wellington has been supporting young people and their communities for over 50 years! For the last two years we have truly appreciated the efforts of individuals and groups who have taken part in Round the Bays to support the ongoing operations of Youthline Wellington.

Round the Bays offers opportunities for connection, getting your tinana (body) moving, getting out in te taiao (nature), and a sense of achievement - all things we love here at Youthline Wellington! Making it a perfect way for fundraise for our mahi.

How to get involved:

There are a number of events you can get involved in ranging from 6.5 km through to a 21.1 km Half Marathon. If you will be taking part in Round the Bays, and raising funds for Youthline Wellington, click 'Participate' to get started on your own page where your friends and family can donate to you! Volunteer runners will also have to provide registration costs which range from $25 to $74 via the official Round the Bays website:

Youthline Wellington is an organisation of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers, who work to provide a safe, youth-centred service that supports and empowers people, and we appreciate your support now more than ever.

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Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.

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This campaign started on 7 Dec 2021 and ended on 27 Feb 2022.
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