EY Step It Up

EY Step It Up

$9,059 raised
Starts: 2 May 2022
Ends: 31 May 2022

Step It Up is a month-long step challenge to raise money for the Ernst & Young, New Zealand (“EY New Zealand”) focus charity – KidsCan.


Throughout the month of May, we are asking you to move with purpose, to Step It Up for our focus charity, KidsCan. When setting personal step goals, we encourage you to align these with your fundraising goals. The more you challenge yourself to step, the more your networks may be prepared to donate. The more that your networks donate, the greater the impact you will have on the children supported by KidsCan.

Using a step challenge encourages and incorporates a wellbeing and teaming aspect for EY people, reminding us to move throughout the day.

EY will match all donations from EY New Zealand people and to help entice your family and friends to support you, their donations via the Step It Up event page will be also be matched, with total EY matching of up to $10,000.

There are also some great prizes on offer. Check them out here - https://www.yammer.com/ey.com/#/files/1296503087104

Sign up as an individual or team

We encourage you to join as an EY team (of up to 8) and walk together (virtually or in person) to raise money for KidsCan.

About KidsCan

KidsCan is New Zealand’s leading charity dedicated to helping Kiwi kids affected by poverty. They support more than 200,000 tamariki in over 800 schools and 100 early childhood centres, with over 5 million items of food, clothing and health products each year.

How your fundraising will make a difference

• $1,000 will give 500 hot meals for children in need

• $600 helps give a pre-schooler food, clothing and health products for a year

• $50 can help provide a cosy jacket, sturdy shoes and socks to keep a kid warm and dry

• $25 gives a cosy jacket to keep a child warm and dry in winter

• $10 provides a week of hot meals for a child at school

By joining the event you agree to the following waivers:

1. By enrolling and participating in this event, you certify that you are healthy and that your physical condition allows you to perform moderate to intense exercise. If you experience any physical symptoms such as abnormal or sudden blood pressure changes, fainting, dizziness, or irregular heartbeat or any other physical symptoms which seem abnormal to you while participating in this event, stop exercising immediately and consult your doctor without delay.

2. I understand that if I am a covered person 1 or 2, I will not actively and personally approach audit clients of which I am a covered person. This does not prevent me from posting the sponsorship request on social media. For further information, please click this link -


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Participant leaderboard

See all 91 participants

Latest donations

EY on 12 Sep 2022
EY Matching
Craig on 31 May 2022    PCS - Private Counting Steps
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2022    Walking out of covid.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2022    PAS my Walking Shoes
Ngaire on 31 May 2022    Part of the EY BD Hot Steppers
Had to help out to reach your goal!
Donations go towards:
KidsCan Charitable Trust's avatar
KidsCan Charitable Trust
KidsCan provides food, clothing and basic healthcare in schools to enable disadvantaged Kiwi kids to reach their full potential.

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This campaign started on 30 Mar 2022 and ended on 31 May 2022.
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