KidsCan Charitable Trust

KidsCan Charitable Trust

KidsCan provides food, clothing and basic healthcare in schools to enable disadvantaged Kiwi kids to reach their full potential.


Every child deserves to be warm, comfortable and nourished - but 1 in 6 Kiwi kids affected by poverty are missing out on the basics. Kids can’t focus in class if they didn’t eat the night before. They can’t participate if they’re shivering or wet from walking to school with no jacket or shoes. Founded on a belief that education is the key to a better future, New Zealand charity KidsCan provides food, shoes, socks and raincoats so children can arrive at school ready and able to learn. The goal is to ensure poverty no longer stands between them and the chance to reach their full potential.

KidsCan helps children through the schools and preschools it partners with. Whatever else is going on in their lives, tamariki are guaranteed Heart Foundation-endorsed food to sustain them throughout the day; clothing to keep them warm, cosy and dry; and products like nit treatment and hand sanitiser to keep them healthy and regularly attending school. This support is there for as long as children need it – right from early childhood education (ECE) through to high school in some cases. KidsCan now partners with more than 1000 schools and ECEs nationwide, with more coming on board all the time.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of our community: our fundraisers, donors and business partners. It certainly does take a Village to raise a child.

More about us

KidsCan provides the essentials to Kiwi kids affected by poverty so they can participate in learning and have an opportunity for a better future.

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The Difference Your Support Makes  3 June 2022

Posted by: KidsCan Charitable Trust Charity - historic donations

At KidsCan we want you to know that every dollar helps to support our tamariki.

Your donation makes a difference. Thank you!

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor 22 hours ago    Sounds To Sounds for KidsCan
Great cause! Good luck Annette!
Westpac NZ
Westpac NZ 1 day ago
Westpac employee matching gift programme
GG, DD, Silvie and Seb
GG, DD, Silvie and Seb 2 days ago    Cami's Charity Fund
Happy birthday sweet Cami 🎊
Julia 3 days ago    Cami's Charity Fund
Happy birthday Cami
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 3 days ago    Sounds To Sounds for KidsCan

Who's involved?

KidsCan Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, KidsCan Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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