Stepping up for KidsCan

$705 donated
Given by 12 generous donors in 27 days

Participating in EY Step It Up


Giving back is part of who I am. As a mum of three, I know how important it is to provide a home where my kids are safe and can learn, grow and flourish. Too many kiwi kids don't have the same opportunities so we are stepping out to support KidsCan. It's awesome that EY is leading the way and matching what we raise.

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big thanks  30 May 2022

Big thanks to my amazing family and friends for supporting this great charity!!

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Activity tracking

Total steps taken: 257,715

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steps for the day  31 May 2022

10,173 steps

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PAS my Walking Shoes

Participating in EY Step It Up

Participating in

EY Step It Up

Step It Up is a month-long step challenge to raise money for the Ernst & Young, New Zealand (“EY New Zealand”) focus charity – KidsCan.

Latest donations

Meredith on 25 May 2022
You are always going the extra step for everyone, all of the time ❤️
Julie on 17 May 2022
Lisa on 17 May 2022
Well done Karin! Just imagine you are walking the beautiful cliffs of Dover! X
Ian on 11 May 2022
Jo on 08 May 2022

Who's involved?

Karin Adelinger-Smith's avatar
Created by Karin Adelinger-Smith
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 May 2022 and ended on 31 May 2022.