Southern Youth Development

Toss the Boss and support young people in Otago

$31,930 of $30,000 goal
12 May 2023

A fundraising challenge for our local leaders to help make a positive difference in the lives of rakatahi in Clutha, Dunedin and Waitaki.


Every year we work with over 1600 rakatahi | young people so that they can take their next positive steps in their education, employment and future. Toss the Boss is Southern Youth Development's annual fundraiser where local leaders face their fears while raising funds to support our youth programmes across Clutha, Dunedin and Waitaki.

Southern Youth Development empowers rakatahi to achieve their own successes and we want them to be the best person they can be. The past few years have been more challenging than ever, and rakatahi are finding it challenging to engage in education and employment through traditional pathways.

At Southern Youth Development, we use activity-based learning, real-life scenarios and youth-led activities to be able to promote good life choices, goal setting and confidence building so that everyone has the best chance to succeed. Help us to continue our life-changing mahi by donating to our campaign today. Every $50 counts for every youth programme we do!

Don't know a local leader but still want to donate to our work? Click that donate button - we'll use your general donation to make a positive difference in a young person life!

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We made it to our target!  15 May 2023

We would just love to say a really big thank you to all our participants and donors for their support and donations to reach our target of $30,000. The difference this will make for our youth programmes is immense, and we are so grateful to be able to continue our positive mahi for young people in Clutha, Dunedin and Waitati. It was such a great day on Friday, with every participant being 'tossed' with various degrees of enthusiasm!

We will be keeping the page open for donations until the 26th of May so that you can still get whānau and friends to donate. While we have reached our target, every little bit helps to get to young people in need.

Again, thank you very much. We are so appreciative of all your support!

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Participant leaderboard

See all 31 participants

Latest donations

Esther on 25 May 2023    Toss the Boss - Kevin Gilbert
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 May 2023    Toss the Boss - Kevin Gilbert
Road Materials
Road Materials on 23 May 2023    Toss the Boss - Nigel Taylor
Laurel on 21 May 2023    Toss the Boss - Jeremy Hall
Well done Jeremy!
Marcel on 19 May 2023    Toss the Boss - Nigel Taylor
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.

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This campaign started on 27 Jan 2023 and ended on 1 Jun 2023.
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