24 hour Shear-a-thon at Smedley Station to raise money for Hawkes Bay Rescue Helicopter & Motor Neurone Disease Association
Hawke's Bay
Rob, Ricky & Shane ( 3 Smedley Station staff members) are holding a 24 hour Shear-a-thon to raise money for charity, the money raised will be shared equally between MND & HB Rescue Helicopter. These charities were chosen as Rob recently lost his best mate to MND and the rescue Helicopter plays an intergral part in the rural community. Both of these organisations rely heavily on donations in order to do the outstanding work they do.
Rob, Ricky & Shane will all shear for the 24 hours starting Friday the 2nd of February at 12pm - Saturday the 3rd of February 12pm
Rob, Ricky & Shane ( 3 Smedley Station staff members) are holding a 24 hour Shear-a-thon to raise money for charity, the money raised will be shared equally between MND & HB Rescue Helicopter. These charities were chosen as Rob recently lost his best mate to MND and the rescue Helicopter plays an intergral part in the rural community.
The money raised will be split 50/50 with Hawkes Bay Rescue Helicopter & MND Association NZ