Our young son has been diagnosed with Keratoconus and Retinitis Pigmentosa. We are raising money to seek Private treatment
At the age of 3 years old, our son was diagnosed with Keratoconus and Retinitis Pigementosa, two distructive and vision robbing eye diseases.
No one can tell us how long Denon will have vision for. As this is hereditary I can tell you that two uncles of mine were legally blind by late teens. Unfortunately there is no data on them at the same age as Denon. It would appear though, that Denon is loosing vision rapidly and may be more advanced then my uncles at a similar age.
Keratoconus is a condition in which the cornea (the clear front surface of the eye) develops a conical shape, causing your vision to blur. There is now treatment available within NZ, Corneal Collegen Cross-linking. The public system has long qualification periods and Waiting Lists. We cant afford the vision it will cost our son if we wait. We are hoping to raise funds to have this procedure done privately. It will be expensive, unlike other patients - his age dictates that he will need to be fully anesthetized, adding the cost of a full theatre team on top of the price tag
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a rare, inherited disease in which the light-sensitive retina of the eye slowly and progressively degenerates. Eventually, blindness results. Although there is no current cure, we have been referred by our Opthalmologist to Privately see a Genetic Specialists in Auckland. The hope is to identify the gene causing the disease and become registered on the Genetic Registry.
Once we are on the register - we can expect to be contacted once a cure for this gene is identified. Our Ophthalmologist is confident that this could happen in the next 3 years - but we will need to go to London or New York for treatment
Please help us to fight these terrible disease.
It breaks my heart to have started a Vision Bucket List for our boy. When asked what he wanted to see, he gave us a few great starting points. We will share these updates as they come to hand
Please help us to get Denon the best treatment as soon as possible. Any donation will be gratefully received and used to pay for Private treatment for Denon. Time really is of the essence, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to be able to find Private Treatment for Denon.
Any funds left over will be donated to RP research
Vision Bucket List 2 September 2014
Its not easy creating a Vision Bucket List for a 4 year old. Firstly because it HURTS. No Mama wants to have to contemplate having this conversation. Secondly - as a family we are very careful about what we tell Den. We embrace the power of positivity, and Den has had so many health problems during his short life - weve always been so careful to keep him informed, without doom and gloom negativity. We make sure no one tells Den 'he cant'. In fact my proudest moments are when Den tells me 'we dont give up aye Mama?"". So many times my baby has proved doctors wrong. So back to the Vision bucket list.... Where do you start? Den if you could meet anyone in the whole world - who would it be??? ""Mickey Mouse Mama"" Well Disneyland is certainly not within our budget. But our budget did stretch to Disney on Ice in Auckland. We saved for such a long time. We flew up in the plane (because of Denon's hip problems he cant sit in a carseat for extended periods). Denny dressed as a prince and not only saw Mickey, but Minnie, Goofy and Donald too. Captain Hook and Peter Pan were also there. And our boys grin couldnt get any bigger! Den if you could do anything - anything at all, what would it be? ""I wanna met a dinosaur. I wanna hear a dinosaur go ROAR"" This of course led to a hard conversation about how Dinosaurs are extinct and we wouldnt be able to hear them roar. But there are heaps of other animals that ROAR. Like the lions and tigers at Auckland Zoo! ""And Mama,Mama I wanna fly on a Dragon"" Oh wow - how do i do this? With our imaginations of course!! Lets pretend Mamas a dragon son, jump on my back and lets fly! Also followed up with a trip to the movie theatres while we were in Auckland to see ""How to Train your Dragon 2"" Little boys Vision Bucket Lists are hard... But we will keep trying to make all of his wishes come true And we wont stop trying to find a cure for these terrible diseases. We never give up son Love Mama xxx