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Support for Elea

  • Your contributions continue to help....

      21 November 2015
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    We continue to sincerely thank you for your support. It really is making a massive difference. We thank God for the continued improvements we see in Elea - they are slow but they are there. She is slowly gaining more strength. She can now hold her head up in a more controlled way most of the time. She loves to sit and watch intently what is going on around her, following the action, looking for eye contact. She is a very contented smiley wee girl. She is still being tube fed - this is a massive commitment of time and energy. Her weight gain is slow but there. Her health team are happy with her progress. However have strongly indicated that they see Remaliah needs the full amount of on-going support due to Elea's high needs and the distance they live from the hospital. Thank you again for your support. It is so appreciated in these high demand days,

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  • Elea is doing well.....

      26 October 2015
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    Again I thank you for your love and support shown to Remaliah, Etienne and Elea through your giving to this givealttle fundraising. Elea continues to do well. Her progress is slow but we are seeing progress. The biggest of these being that she doesn't seem ro be needing the suctioning now when she vomits. Yes, she does still vomit fairly frequently therefore continues to need close monitoring. Carer support is very much an on-going issue for the family. Theo continues to be a full-on active 2 year old adding to the family demands. Norma continues to be a real God-send. She works between 20 and 30 hours a week. Funding continues to covers just 13 hours a week. This is reassessed at the end of December. Your on-going support is very much appreciated. We cannot thank you enough. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Update on Elea and her care

      2 September 2015

    Last Friday saw Elea and Remaliah trucked off to the hospital in the ambulance. Elea wasn't 100% and the nurse wanted her checked out by the pediatrics team. She has a small cold which has caused more suctioning. Thankfully she didn't have to stay there long and returned home later than evening. However it has changed the feeding regimes for her. She is requiring slower feeds which takes a lot of time and focused attention on her thus putting more pressure on the care of the other 3 children. Thankfully Norma (our wonderful Godsend) has been able to give more time to being there to help Remaliah. This obviously requires more funds to pay her so we are hugely grateful for the money given to date. The need has grown. But on the positive side, Remaliah has heard that they have been allocated the maximum allowance available to them. This will cover payment for 13 hours a week. So far this week, Norma has been required 8 - 10 hours per day. Thank you so much for your on-going support. It makes such a difference.

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