Giving back to a kind hearted lady

$4,595 donated
Given by 84 generous donors in around 3 months

Monika is ALWAYS the first person to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. It’s time to show her how much she is loved and appreciated.


My dear friend MONIKA WELCH is poorly.

She went to Australia on a rescue mish and is now in need of a little rescuing herself. She has somehow got a very nasty illness called ITP. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia Purpura and she can’t make platelets no matter how hard she tries.

She’s currently in hospital in the Gold Coast day 19 now, and even though she is very unwell she continues to visit and cheer up all the other patients.

So there’s lots of medical decisions to be made to help her get well and I would like to start some fundraising to help support her and her daughter with whatever food/ supplements/ financial assistance she needs.

She has helped a lot of people since moving to kerikeri 14 years ago, and now it’s time to help her in her repair and recovery.

Deb Shepherd (The Angel Project - NZ)'s involvement (page creator)

Monika has been an amazing friend to me for many years. She has always been there for my little family and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

Use of funds

Medical treatment/food/supplements/financial assistance

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 May 2021
Annette on 17 May 2021
Stay Strong my friend your positive flair will heal you Take Care
Rusty & Gypsy
Rusty & Gypsy on 17 May 2021
Still remember when Gypsy had operation on her foot and you brought round dinner for us boys!
Vee on 17 May 2021
John on 16 May 2021
Go you good thing.

Who's involved?

Deb Shepherd (The Angel Project - NZ)'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Deb Shepherd (The Angel Project - NZ) on behalf of Monika Welch
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This campaign started on 6 May 2021 and ended on 7 Aug 2021.