Help Paekākāriki support our kaumatua and his whānau with urgent medical costs. Ahi kā: Please help keep the homefires burning.
Paekakariki, Wellington
Kaumatua Karl Farrell of Ngāti Haumia ki Paekākāriki has been diagnosed with cancer and we are asking people to help to give him the best chance for a longer and more comfortable life. Funds are urgently needed to meet the significant cost of several months of medication (Pembrolizumab/Keytruda). This medication won’t be funded by the government until late 2024, and needs to start now. Each three-weekly dose costs $13,000.
Karl provides community service every week, most often voluntarily: speaking at tangi, functions, kura, and community events. Providing blessings, endless advice, knowledge and wisdom. He and his whānau are Ahi kā, and our community has benefitted so much from Karl and those who came before him. It’s time for us to pay it back. If you’re new to the village, please pay it forward.
Karl’s grandmother, Miriona Mutu Mira Budge, once owned a large section of land next to Wainui Stream, stretching from ocean to railway. She wanted this land to be for her whānau and an injustice in the way it was taken continues today. Karl continues to lead the fight to remedy this wrong. Many stand in support of this mahi and have asked how they can help. Other calls to action in relation to the land that was taken will come. Right now, with our wealth, we need to support the health of our beloved kaumatua.
We welcome you commenting why this matters to you, and ask that you forward this to others so we can all do our bit.
Provide reliable community information
Provide a platform for education for our youth
Be the people’s voice, representing and promoting the diversity of our community.
Payment for drug treatment (Pembrolizumab/Keytruda) to give Karl Farrell the best chance of a longer and more comfortable life. Any surplus funds will support Karl and his whānau through this time, as needed.
Tena koutou katoa 27 October 2024
We as a whānau would like to update you all on where we are at with our Pāpā and his medical journey, on the 30th of Sept dad started the new medication you have all generously donated for, luckily for dad he had 7 days rest as the Keytruda took a toll on him. On Tuesday the 8th of October we headed to Keneparu to start his new chemo medication. Everything was smooth sailing, dad was feeling good, still maintaining his happy demeanour and positive attitude. In amongst other appointments and hui dad has had scans and blood tests done. Unfortunately for dad not even a week after his chemo his blood count had dropped quite significantly to the point the doctors phoned him and told him to go to the ER ASAP as his kidneys and liver have taken a massive hit from this new medication. Although we knew this could be a side effect we did not think it would be this soon. After being admitted to the hospital dad is now at home. We were due to be in Palmerston North again Monday just gone but unfortunately under the strict guidance of his doctors he has had to cease all cancer medications until further notice. As you could probably imagine this has hit us very hard as a whanau. Seeing dad looking very well but his blood test were saying otherwise. We couldn’t understand but are very thankful for the due diligence of dads Doctors for picking it up quickly. We will be meeting a team of doctors in the coming weeks to see where too next and to hopefully plan out a new medication regimen.