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Help Supanee get her life back!

$9,891 donated
Given by 237 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help Supanee on her journey as she tries to recover, get her life and future back


August the 5th will never be the same for Supanee. While fast asleep cuddling her baby she was brutally attacked in a frenzied knife attack causing life threatening injuries.

The first thing she said when she woke up a few days later is "it was ok if I died because I saved the baby and I knew that's good luck for me"

After a marathon surgery, quite some time in hospital, And now on the long recovery journey Supanee has defied the odds. Unfortunately she is unable to return to normal work for the foreseeable future and is undergoing a raft of different treatments to help her. She has had to move homes and use all her savings and reserves to pay for the shortfall and bring her mum to help her take care of the children. Soon she will be back for more surgery... Help is needed so she can meet the large costs of medical and psychological recovery (not all is covered by ACC).. All funds raised will go towards Supanees ongoing treatment, rehabilitation and support costs. Please Help Supanee get her life back!

Roger McRae's involvement (page creator)

I am involved as Supanee is my partner... While I have done as much as I can to help and support her and the family, the shortfall is great and She needs your help to survive this


Latest update

Thank You  13 December 2016

Hi everyone. Tonight we have sat down and read all the amazing messages of support along with everyone's contribution. It's very humbling and generous... From the bottom of our hearts... Thank you soo much.

Below is a message from Supanee "Thank you everyone for everything, wishes supports that I can't believe and not expected for this helping because all my life I look after my self for long time and I known any family got they problems and hard to get help from another people. I need to be strong for my family because that awful time with my family, I tired to move on the past and looking for my future life but I found too hard for Me. Thank you for helping me and my family. Thank you soo much"

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Dec 2016
Logan Swann
Logan Swann on 24 Dec 2016
May God Bless you and your family at this challenging time. Merry Christmas.
Guest donor
Guest donor on 23 Dec 2016
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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Dec 2016
u are very strong lady good mother.jai dee mak good luck in your recovery and i also hope that justice is served against the criminal who committed the crime.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Dec 2016

Who's involved?

Roger McRae's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Roger McRae on behalf of Supanee Saensree & Family
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This campaign started on 28 Nov 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2016.