James is swimming for St Pat's

$3,035 of $2,500 goal
Given by 46 generous donors in 5 weeks

The spiritual home providing a sanctuary in the city for prayer, worship, and pastoral care for thousands of people each year.


On 2 July, the Auckland Catholic Diocesan General Manager, James van Schie will again be braving the cold water to do the 'Iceberg' swim on Waiheke Island to raise funds for St Patrick's Cathedral. Last year James completed the shorter distance - this year he's raising the bar and aiming to complete the 2000m swim. Will he last the distance? Please 'encourage' James and support our Cathedral team by donating generously.

This year Sarah Dwan, Principal of St Mary’s College and Raechelle Taulu, Principal of Marist College are joining the “Swimming for St Pat’s” plunge. They are both outstanding leaders and greatly value the strong links they and their students have with the Cathedral.

We are blessed with a very beautiful and unique historic church, perhaps one of the most prayed-in buildings in New Zealand….a House of God, an Icon of Christ, the Mother Church, a Place of Prayer, an Oasis of Peace.

St Patrick's Cathedral is open and has a bright future but needs help to recover from the last couple of years. Please join me in sending a strong message of support to the Cathedral team. Every donation is greatly appreciated.

The spiritual home providing a sanctuary in the city of prayer, worship, and pastoral care for thousands of people each year.

All donations will go towards providing for the needs of the Cathedral.

About us

Our Cathedral is the spiritual home of the Auckland Diocese providing a sanctuary in the city for prayer, worship, and pastoral care for thousands of people each year.

Use of funds

All donations will go towards providing for the needs of the Cathedral.

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Thank You  4 July 2022

I just wanted to send you a ‘warm’ note of thanks for your generous support. The weather on Saturday was perfect, blue sky, sunshine (after a short, light, burst of rain), and clear cold water of 13.8 degrees. Sarah Dwan, Raechelle Taulu, and I embarked on the furthest distance and all finished with a strong performance. We hit all our targets a) To finish the swim b) To raise $10k for the Cathedral c) To give moral support to a parish community that has been acutely impacted by COVID and general disruption in the CBD.

The support of the St Mary’s and Marist College communities has been unreal. Next year, I am hoping one of the boys colleges will send a representative!

Fr Chris Denham, Parish Priest at the Cathedral (and Waiheke) was present to provide support and pastoral care. I know my wife appreciated his presence in particular as she was concerned to make sure a priest was on hand should I need the last rites.

We’ve raised over $10k for the Cathedral through our ‘give-a-little’ pages, along with some cash and tap n go payments received in recent weeks. There are so many good causes to support and I know you have many calls on your resources so thank you for choosing to help our Cathedral here in Auckland – a beacon of hope for this city for 181 years.

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Grateful for JVS
Grateful for JVS on 03 Jul 2022
Had to get u over the $3k mark!
Beverly on 02 Jul 2022
Ann on 02 Jul 2022
Well done
Rebecca on 02 Jul 2022
Well done James! From the Martins
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Jul 2022

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This campaign started on 3 Jun 2022 and ended on 11 Jul 2022.