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Help Kapiti Youth Support restore buildings after vandalism causes major damage

$1,277 of $35,000 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 7 weeks

Two buildings purchased to expand KYS' free health and wellbeing services for Kapiti's youth vandalised. Donate to support the restoration.


KYS is a free Youth One Stop Shop committed to providing effective health and wellbeing services to Kapiti Youth (10-25 year olds).

Operating since 1996, we are a charity always striving for excellence- continually working to improve and extending the services we offer to our 5,200 young people. Latest figures demonstrate we meaningfully engaged with approx 78% of Kapiti’s youth. (Census 2013 figures).

The needs of Kapiti’s youth are continually increasing and in 2015 KYS’ commitment to these needs led us to purchasing two additional buildings. These buildings will provide KYS the space to expand the services we can offer. One of the buildings will also be used to house the alternate education provider (STR) who works with some of Kapiti's most vulnerable young people to support them back into education. As we are a charity, and because all of our services are provided free of charge, funding is continually one of our greatest challenges. As you can imagine, purchasing these two buildings significantly impacted on the books!

The buildings were purchased from one of the local colleges, and were scheduled to be moved on site in early January 2016. Unfortunately for us over the Christmas break the buildings were badly vandalised. What's even worse- as the buildings had not yet been moved onto KYS property- there was no insurance cover.

What was already an expensive endeavour for KYS has now dramatically increased in cost. The largerest cost however is to Kapiti's youth, who will have to wait until funds are raised for the buildings to be completed.

So What are the figures?!

The original cost of the project KYS has committed to: $147,000 (purchase buildings, relocate and renovate)

Extra costs due to the vandalism: $35,000 (full re glazing, re gib, re plaster and painting just to get buildings back to the condition pre damage).

Total Cost: $182,126

Please help KYS support Kapiti's youth by donating to restore our new buildings.

About us

KYS is a Youth One Stop Shop committed to providing the most effective services to meet the health and wellbeing needs of Kapiti youth. We’re passionate about providing services which truly make a difference and that means not only working closely with youth but also with families and the community.

All of our services are available free to Kapiti young people aged between 10 and 24 years, and include medical and nursing services, sexual health, clinical psychology, counselling, alcohol and drug services, social work, mentoring, parenting, peer support, transition to work, youth development, education programmes and therapeutic groups.

Since opening in 1996 we have worked hard for excellence, while improving and extending the services we offer to our 5,200 young people. The latest figures show we are meaningfully engaged with approximately 78% of Kapiti youth. (Census 2013 figures).

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Latest donations

Megan C
Megan C on 04 Mar 2016
Amazing service for the youth of our community! Keep up the great work!
Petra Aregger
Petra Aregger on 25 Feb 2016
Love your work KYS xx
Susan Duncan
Susan Duncan on 23 Feb 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Feb 2016
These people helped me so much growing up, it's very sad to hear somebody would do this to such a great community service.
Sarah & Dane Coles
Sarah & Dane Coles on 23 Feb 2016
Good luck with the fundraising!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kapiti Youth Support (Charity)
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This campaign started on 5 Feb 2016 and ended on 31 Mar 2016.