Otumoetai Robotics Students Take On the World

$1,265 of $40,000 goal
Given by 18 generous donors in 7 weeks

Otumoetai Robotics Club have won the National Robotics Competition and seek funding support to compete in the World Robotics Competition

Bay of Plenty

Otumoetai College Robotics (OATS 2941) is a group of committed, hard-working high school students in Tauranga who are madly fundraising to be able to attend the VEX Robotics World Championships in Kentucky (USA) to show the rest of the world what Kiwis can achieve when science, creativity, and hard-work come together!

The students have worked over the last 12 months to build the best robots to compete at the New Zealand VEX Nationals, and on 25th February they won not just one trophy but two!

Through their brilliant ingenuity and endless hours of refining and practice, they met the challenge with other teams from across New Zealand to win and become Tournament Champions. They also received the Design Award, recognising their excellence in documenting their amazing engineering design process.

The team is fully self-funded, and need all the support they can to be able to get to the World Championships in April 2018. Throughout the year the students have raised money for parts, come up with creative solutions to design, built and tested their ideas, and competed. This has meant hundreds of hours of work, long road trips to competitions in Auckland, and forgoing their summer holidays to reach this goal.

Your support will allow this amazing group of students realise their Robotic dream, test their potential, and continue in their growth to become part of the New Zealand's future in Science & Technology.

About us

Otumoetai Robotics Club is a self-funded group within Otumoetai College that includes enthusiastic students form Year 9 - 13, committed parents and a dedicated Teacher. Every week the students in the club work towards designing, building and programming robots to compete in the Nationals and now the World VEX VRC robotics competitions. It is an amazing club that not only helps children build their skills in robotics, but enables them to develop their abilities in problem-solving, communication, team work, resilience and networking. This is where our future in science and technology can thrive.

Use of funds

The team is seeking $40,000 to sponsor airfares, accommodation and expenses for 12 students and two parent volunteers to attend the World Championships in Kentucky (USA) in April 2018. Any surplus money will be used to fund next seasons competition.

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Latest donations

Iris and Chris
Iris and Chris on 21 Apr 2018
TelferYoung Property Valuers
TelferYoung Property Valuers on 18 Apr 2018
Go PK and the rest of the team. Good luck!!
Sarah Parker
Sarah Parker on 08 Apr 2018
Megan Hoskin
Megan Hoskin on 08 Apr 2018
All the best with the competition!
A & F Edgar
A & F Edgar on 04 Apr 2018

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This campaign started on 1 Mar 2018 and ended on 22 Apr 2018.